Moisturizers for Healthy Skin


Do We Really Need Moisturizers?

Yes!! We do need moisturizers. The importance of moisturizing cannot be emphasized enough. Moisturizing is an important and integral part of a good skincare regime. And for a good many reasons: 

  • Moisturizers rehydrate our skin
  • They improve the skin texture 
  • They restore skin health. 
  • Protect the skin against the ravages of time and environment
  • Replenish the lost moisture and nutrients required to keep our skin in good condition.  
  • Mask imperfections
  • Delay the appearance of wrinkles and other signs of skin ageing 

How do Moisturizers Work?

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, having a total area of about 22 square feet. When hydrated and healthy, skin cell gaps are filled with lipids(oils) making it impervious and water-proof, thereby preventing entry of any foreign particles.

However, these lipids get depleted over a period of time and cannot be replenished fast enough through internal body metabolism(dependent on factors like food, water, sleep, and exercise) to meet the changing needs of age, hormones, seasons, sun exposure, air-conditioning, pollution, chemicals and stressful lifestyle.

The epidermis or the topmost layer of the skin also constantly loses water to the atmosphere through evaporation as part of our normal body processes. All these factors lead to dry, flaky, and irritated skin. And a cracked skin implies a broken barrier that is unable to prevent entry of any infections or allergens.

Therefore the need to hydrate your skin. In simple terms, moisturizers work in two ways: they replenish this lost moisture content of the skin or trap the moisture already present in the skin and prevent it from escaping. Therefore, it is imperative that we moisturize our skin daily to not only restore its health but also as prevention against drying.


Tips to Moisturize your Way to a Healthy Skin

  1. Moisturize daily, twice a day, more if needed
  2. Cleanse and tone your skin before moisturizing
  3. Apply the moisturizer while your skin is still moist to help it absorb better.
  4. Use a natural, organic moisturizer to keep any chemicals away from your skin. Try the natural, turmeric-based moisturizers by Parama Naturals now.(link to shop)
  5. Choose a moisturizer that is appropriate for your skin type. An oily, acne-prone skin requires a light moisturizer while a dry one needs one that is thicker.
  6. Drink at least 2-3litres of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.

The Inconvenient Truth about "Convenient" Moisturizers 

So now that we have told you the importance of moisturizing your skin, here's the catch! Most commercial moisturizers are made up primarily of water(65-75%) and only about 5-10% of some oil or oily substance--the rest 20-30% are just chemicals used for emulsification of the oil and water, for preservation, or for giving that extra shine or gloss or matt effect for that matter!

Loaded with chemicals that often cause allergic reactions to sensitive skins and health-related side-effects in the long term, the typical moisturizing lotions are used by almost everyone including babies.


(If you would like to be more informed about the chemicals that go into your skincare products and their harmful effects, do read our blog 'Reading and Understanding Labels' )

 So What is the Solution?

There were many triggers in my life which made me wake up to the reality of the harm being caused by the chemicals in our skincare products. That made me turn to the time-tested, age-old home remedies used locally for generations and to research the knowledge of Ayurveda.

(Read more about my experiences on why and how I made the switch from chemical to natural skincare products here)

 I finally concluded that the best way to naturally and safely moisturize your skin is to apply edible oil on moist skin--simply because anything that is safe for you to ingest is certainly safe for your skin. You can also just mix a few drops of water in your palm along with the oil before applying to help it absorb better into the skin. 

And there--you have a natural and safe moisturizer ready in less than a minute!

So, instead of using off-the-shelf moisturizers, use your own skin as the factory for creating a "fresh moisturizer" without any chemical preservatives or emulsifiers!

Whether you prepare your own moisturizer or save yourself the time and effort by using one of ours, your skin is going to thank you in the long run.


No time for time consuming skin care routines? Get tips on a quick skincare regime here.

For tips on quick, daily moisturizing with oils in our blog, read our blog Drip Irrigation for your Skin --here)


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