ParamaTalks with Shumita Mahajan - Dancing with Dosas - Wellness Treasures in Unusual Places


"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players...and one man in his life plays many roles" - Shakespeare (As You Like It)

Its as true then, as it is now, isn’t it?

In fact, even more so…

Today, we not only play different roles in the passage of time as Shakespeare said, but we are juggling different roles all at the same time. 

But who is the individual amongst all these? Is there a need to typecast ourselves?

Shumita is an accomplished dancer who also runs a dance academy, a communication expert, an entrepreneur, a food officianado.

She will talk about

- how she is inching closer to figuring out who she is 

- her experiences on how she juggled different roles at different points in life

- how she found her mission in doing what she loves and loving what she does

And she will share insights on finding wellness treasures for ourselves in what we do and for those whose lives we touch!

Watch the full discussion recording on the YouTube channel of Parama Naturals

Parama Talks with Shumita Mahajan. Host: Geeta Prakash, Founder, Parama Naturals

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