Refreshing Radiance Uplifting Lavender
Essential skincare for daily radiance, a refreshed feeling and an uplifted mood, combining protective hydration and a natural glow for every season.
This Box Includes:Lavender-Turmeric ALL-DAY LITE Moisturizing Face Oil (8ml):
Moisturizes, gives an instant glow, uplifts, protects against environmental damage and early aging.
Turmeric ROSE WATER Face Mist (8ml):
Refreshes, clarifies and tones the skin, leaving it luminous, while elevating your mood. Perfect for all.
ENRICHING EXFOLIATOR Face & Body Scrub (10g):
A herbal cleanser which nourishes, refreshes, and smooths skin while polishing, exfoliating and reducing skin impurities.
Safety and Allergy Guidelines:
We advise conducting a patch test on a small area of skin to check for allergic reactions or sensitivities. In a rare case of allergic reactions to the natural ingredients, discontinue use immediately and seek advice from a dermatologist or healthcare professional. During hot and humid weather conditions, if you find the product feeling heavy, you can dilute it with water/rose water for a lighter consistency.
• Begin your skincare routine by cleansing your face with our Enriching Exfoliator Scrub and gently pat your skin dry. •For a customized lightweight moisturizer:
o Add a few sprays of our Face Mist into your palm along with 1-2 drops of the Turmeric All Day Light Moisturizing Face Oil.
o Mix the mist and oil together in your palm.
o Apply the mixture to your face and neck using gentle circular motions, enjoying the hydrating benefits of your personalized lightweight moisturizer.
Note: Both the face oil and face mist can also be used separately in your skincare routine for targeted benefits.